Effective & Affordable Pest & Termite Control
Sniper Services LLC provides affordable pest and termite control services with trained and licensed technicians in Amarillo, Lubbock, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston.
Sniper Services LLC eliminates termites, roaches, ants, fire ants, bed bugs, wasps, bees, rodents, spiders, ticks, fleas, and other pests. Over the years we have understood one thing that customers just want to get rid of pests easily & effectively. No one wants to put their loved ones health or business properties at risk. We understand this and use the most effective pest control products of the highest quality.
Our goal is always to supply the people of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico with the best and most affordable pest control. We provide service to residential, apartments, hotels, restaurants, healthcare and education facilities, retail stores, property management, manufacturing, warehouses, State and Federal Agencies. Whatever the pest, Sniper Services LLC is the best!

-Pest Control Service in:
- Amarillo, Tx
- Lubbock, Tx
- Austin, Tx
- Dallas, Tx
- Fort Worth, Tx
- San Antonio, Tx
- Houston, Tx
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Exterminate Bed Bugs Quickly
Bed bugs are a very hard household pest to deal with when they gain entry to your home or apartment. The bed bugs are great hitchhikers coming from hotels, public transportation, movie theaters, clothing stores, medical facilities, and even your friends’ home or businesses.
Bed bugs once inside will hide in a variety of locations, mostly close to where people sleep. This includes in crevices, mattress seams, bed coverings, furniture, behind wall hangings, baseboards and even in electrical outlets leaving behind their fecal matter and eggs of future generations of bed bugs.
Most people believe that bed bugs are a result of poor housekeeping, but that is not always true. Although it is important to keep your house clean, uncluttered and wash your bed coverings on a regular basis. These steps help, however, bed bugs can infest anyone’s residence or business private or public.
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Termite Infestation,
Control & Treatment
The only kind of termite that we have to worry about in this area is the Eastern Subterranean termite. They live underground and must stay covered from open air and sunlight to live. They will come up from the ground and eat cellulose material, wood, paper, etc. The most common areas that termites show up in homes are around plumbing, bath traps, dirt filled porches and expansion joints in the garage.
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Eliminate Flying Insects and Spiders
Mosquitoes are a group of about 3400 species of small insects that are a type of fly. The Spanish word mosquito means little fly. Fossils of primitive mosquitoes have been found that are over 90 million years old. Females of most species have tube-like mouthparts called a proboscis which can pierce the skin in order to extract the blood, Chad Hassell the owner of Sniper Services, mosquito exterminator company, was on a routine service call when the client asked if he could eliminate a spider infestation on their boat dock. He adapted a mister system he had used for years in the equestrian arena business. It was this system he began to market as Spider Docktor.
Sniper Service Pest Data Base
Bed Bug
A bed bug magnified many times.A mattress infested with bed bugs.Bed bugs are a very hard household pest to deal with when they gain entry to your home or apartment. The bed bugs are great...
American Cockroach The American Cockroach is actually from Africa. The cockroaches stowed away on ships and were bought to this country. Their native land was...
Silverfish are nocturnal insects. The name comes from its distinctive metallic appearance and fish-like shape. When the Silverfish is hatched it is white in color, but develops a greyish hue and...
Ticks are arachnids, along with mites. Ticks are external parasites feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Almost all ticks belong to the class of hard ticks or soft ticks. Adults...
A wasp is neither an ant nor a bee. The most common is the yellow jacket. Wasps are important in ecological roles by being a pollinator or a predator of other crop damaging insects. Many wasps are...
Ground Beetle
This group of beetles varies in size 1/8 to 1 inch, shape and color. Most are very flat, dark brown, hard-bodied beetles. Some ground beetles are metallic green or blue. They have three pairs of...
Snakes In and around the Tri State Area there are over 130 different snakes found in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. In the United States an estimated 7,000 to...
Bee Facts
Bee There are over 4,000 species of bees. They are pollinators that gather nectar and pollen from flowers. The bees may be brown, black, or banded with yellow,...
Cricket Crickets are known for their loud chirping which is caused by the males rubbing their front wings together, trying to get a date with the females. The...
Black Widow Spider The black widow spider is considered to be one of most venomous spiders. Only the female black widow is dangerous to humans; males and...
Flea There are over 2,500 species of fleas, a small flightless insects that survive as external parasites of mammals and birds. Fleas live by consuming blood,...
House Flies
House Flies House flies are more of a problem than you might suspect. They visit such places as dumps, sewers, and garbage heaps. They feed on fecal matter,...
Longhorn Beetle
Longhorn Beetle The Longhorn Beetle has over 1,100 species in America alone. Their name is based on their antennae which are quite long and resemble horns....
Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are a group of about 3400 species of small insects that are a type of fly. The Spanish word mosquito means little fly. Fossils of...
Common Field Mouse
Common Mouse Mice in most cases are considered vermin which are a major source of crop damage, structural damage and spreading diseases through their feces....
Pigeons Pigeons are dependent on humans to provide them with food, roosting and nesting sites. They are found around agricultural areas as well as warehouses,...
Rat The most common rat is the Norway rat. Their fur is coarse and mostly brown. Rats are famous for being able to chew through soft concrete, wood, plastic,...
Earwig These slender red-brown insects with elongated, flattened bodies are distinguished by a pair of sharp pincers at the tail end, which they use for...
Ant Species in Texas
Fire Ant Fire ants nest in the soil, often near moist areas, such as river banks, ponds and watered lawns. Fire ants build large mound nests that are flattened, irregular in shape, and between two...
Scorpion Scorpions are closely related to spiders, mites, and ticks. There appears to be over 2000 different species. All known scorpion species possess venom...

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Sniper Services LLC is regulated by the Texas Department of Agriculture

Termites Swarming
Termites are swarming right now all over Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Avoid serious damage to your building and your belongings! What You Need to KnowThey look like flying ants but have important differences. Termites eat anything made out of wood in your house weakening windows, doors or even important documents you have storedMore About Termite SwarmsAnything made out if wood, such as doors, windows, walls or important documents you have stored are at risk. Termites are looking for spaces...

Ticks are Spreaders of Disease
Now that spring has come and the weather is getting humid and hotter, these tiny insects start laying their eggs and multiplying. They can come into your home by way of your pets or other pests that have access into your home or business. Lyme disease is the most known illness that is spread by ticks. The different species of ticks spread a myriad of other illnesses like anaplasmosis /ehrlichiosis, spotted fever rickettsiosis, babesiosis, tularemia, and Powassan virus, among an extensive list...

Importance of pest control in the hospitality business
If your business is hotels and motels you know one key aspect people look at before booking is the reviews for cleanliness. In hospitality this is why so much effort goes towards ensuring everything is spotless and there are zero pests, since this can make or break the customers’ experience. The rooms and common areas of your hotel or motel need to be as clean as can be and there has to be absolutely no pest in sight. Your customer might not consciously notice this, but once she is reviewing...
We’ve Been Eliminating Pests and Termites
For Over 14 Years
Take a moment to view our video that gives an in depth view at how Sniper Services provides Pest and Termite control for its residential and commercial clients. Our goal is to make you a lifelong customer of one of our professional treatment plans that can be customized for each client with our 100%