A wasp is neither an ant nor a bee. The most common is the yellow jacket. Wasps are important in ecological roles by being a pollinator or a predator of other crop damaging insects. Many wasps are parasitoid, which means they lay eggs in other insects. When the eggs hatch, the wasp larvae kill their hosts. The hosts can be like the whitefly which destroy tomatoes and other crops. Other common wasps include: the eastern yellow jacket, paper wasps, cicada killer wasp, mud daubers and hornets such as the bald-faced hornet, Most colonies are constructed out of chewed vegetable fiber that forms a paper carton. The nests are sometimes underground, but can also be found under covered porches, attics, boat docks, storage sheds, and in wall cavities. Worker wasps seek protein such as live insects and dead animals. Wasps do not make nor store honey. Wasps are a stinging social insect and when their nests are disturbed, they will inflict multiple stings. Email Sniper Services today if you have a wasp or hornet problem that needs quick attention.