
Crickets are known for their loud chirping which is caused by the males rubbing their front wings together, trying to get a date with the females. The most obvious sign of a cricket infestation is the presence of live and dead crickets in the home, as well as the chirping. Damaged fabric is also a sign of a house cricket infestation. Outside, crickets feed on plants, insects, and other crickets. Indoors, they can feast on fabric, including carpet and clothing. Crickets are nocturnal and usually hide in dark warm places during the day. During summer months, crickets typically live outdoors. However, when cold weather approaches, they seek shelter in houses and businesses because of the warmth they provide. In the case of a heavy infestation, large areas of fabric or carpet can be destroyed. This is why it’s important to get rid of crickets as soon as possible. Email Sniper Services for help in getting rid of Crickets.