Common Mouse

Mice in most cases are considered vermin which are a major source of crop damage, structural damage and spreading diseases through their feces. Just breathing dust that has come in contact with mouse excrement in some cases has been linked to Hantavirus. The best known mouse species is the common house mouse. They are known to invade homes for food and shelter. Primarily nocturnal animals, mice compensate for their poor eyesight with a keen sense of hearing, and rely especially on their sense of smell to locate food and avoid predators. They eat your food, chew up wires, chew furniture and walls; this is why getting rid of mice in your house is so important, and the sooner the better. They can crawl up pipes and the sides of a house to find an opening. Mice are capable of collapsing their entire body and squeezing through an opening no bigger than a green pea. Mice like to hide in the walls, attics or crawl spaces. Signs of mice include urine, fecal stains, and chewed holes in walls, baseboards and furniture. Although they are nocturnal, they can be spotted in the daylight hours, and if you do it’s time to email Sniper Services to make an appointment.