American Cockroach

The American Cockroach is actually from Africa. The cockroaches stowed away on ships and were bought to this country. Their native land was warm and humid, but they have adapted to colder climates by invading warm indoor spaces such as buildings, warehouses and homes. They appear glossy and reddish-brown. They can fly, though we see the cockroaches running on floors, walls, and ceilings. They are flat and very flexible, allowing them to squeeze through small openings. The cockroach eats moist organic items. This can be pet food, human food, or any edible organic products. Cockroaches are considered a huge home and commercial pest. Their infestations are a problem in restaurants, food warehouses, homes and apartments. Sniper Services can eradicate a cockroach infestations from these places. The females carry their eggs on their backs, laying them in a dark damp areas where they can hatch. The young cockroaches eat the same food as the adults. Most adult cockroaches can live up to a year. Most of the time it’s easy to see cockroaches, however you may need a flashlight to see in dark spaces like cabinets or under shelving. Always look in humid places like bathrooms, crawlspaces, or basements. If you suspect you may have cockroaches please email Sniper Services to make an appointment.

German Cockroach

The German Cockroach is brown in color and very fast and tends to be found in urban areas. They are dark brown with thin antennae. Their movements are fast and they tend to startle people when they dart around. With special pads on their feet it allows them to walk vertically on walls. This also allows them to walk on the ceilings. The German Cockroach can produce offspring very quickly, the females are darker than males and produce eggs than look like a grain of rice, The eggs are left near a food and water so the young cockroaches can start feeding after they hatch. Smaller in size than the American and Oriental species, German cockroaches are notorious for infesting restaurants, warehouses, houses and other institutions with food pantries. They hide behind stoves, in bathrooms, and under sinks during the day. If you are seeing German cockroaches in the daylight it would indicate a large population and it’s time for you to email Sniper Services.

Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental Cockroach is not originally from America. Even though its name indicates it might be from Asia, that has never been proven. However, what’s known is that its natural environment is leaf litter and moist areas. Its attraction to water and moisture has let it migrate to more developed urban areas. It is sometimes referred to as a Waterbug. They commonly infest sewer systems and pipelines, entering homes, offices, and other buildings through small openings, like those around pipes. They take shelter in pier and beam crawlspaces, cellars, and basements where high humidity is present. They love to hide in sink and tub drain openings. They can also infest dry areas and tend to hide under furniture, cabinets and closets. The Oriental Cockroach can be seen in outdoor settings such as around and under garbage cans. Oriental Cockroach can live up to 18 months. The Oriental Cockroach produce dark, tube like eggs. This species can survive on filth and sewage, but they are drawn to starchy items like cookies, cereal, and any foods stored in pantries or cabinets. Oriental infestations are very difficult to eradicate and may require several treatments. Because the Oriental Cockroach likes to hid their eggs in cracks, wall openings and hard to reach places. This is why you need a professional pest control company like Sniper Services. As we treat your home or business for the Oriental Cockroach, we can alert you to problem areas where you may have excessive moisture and breeding habitat.