Bed Bug

Bed Bug

Bed Bug A bed bug magnified many times. A mattress infested with bed bugs. Bed bugs are a very hard household pest to deal with when they gain entry to your home or apartment. The bed bugs are great hitchhikers coming from hotels, public transportation, movie...


American Cockroach The American Cockroach is actually from Africa. The cockroaches stowed away on ships and were bought to this country. Their native land was warm and humid, but they have adapted to colder climates by invading warm indoor spaces such as buildings,...


Silverfish are nocturnal insects. The name comes from its distinctive metallic appearance and fish-like shape. When the Silverfish is hatched it is white in color, but develops a greyish hue and metallic shine as they mature. Silverfish have no wings and it wiggles...


Ticks are arachnids, along with mites. Ticks are external parasites feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Almost all ticks belong to the class of hard ticks or soft ticks. Adults have pear-shaped bodies, which become engorged with blood and eight legs...


A wasp is neither an ant nor a bee. The most common is the yellow jacket. Wasps are important in ecological roles by being a pollinator or a predator of other crop damaging insects. Many wasps are parasitoid, which means they lay eggs in other insects. When the eggs...
Ground Beetle

Ground Beetle

This group of beetles varies in size 1/8 to 1 inch, shape and color. Most are very flat, dark brown, hard-bodied beetles. Some ground beetles are metallic green or blue. They have three pairs of well-developed legs and run quickly. The heads bear sickle-shaped jaws...